Awards & Recoginition
Empowerment Ambassador Award
Mrs. Parul S Mehta, Managing Trustee, Ishanya Foundation received the “Empowerment Ambassador Award” for exceptional efforts made by her in the field of Social Development sector. The award was given at Y4D Foundation Day at the hands of Hon. Finance Minister of State, Dr. Bhagwat Karad at New Delhi on 25th September 2021.Empowerment Ambassador is a major award given to those who have done exemplary work by empowering people, thus making significant difference in the society

Women of Substance Award
Mrs. Parul S Mehta, Managing Trustee, Ishanya Foundation received the ‘Women of Substance Award’ for exemplary services rendered towards Women Empowerment. She was felicitated by Inner Wheel Club of Poona Downtown on the eve of International Women’s Week.The award was conferred in appreciation for her unrelenting efforts at empowering women by deploying her knowledge, experience and personal resources for the services of the poorest.

Asia CMO manufacturing Excellence Award
DFPCL K1 plant at Taloja, received the ‘Asia CMO Manufacturing Excellence Award 2021’ under Category of Best-in-Class Innovation Award in Manufacturing.

Digital Technology Senate Award – 2021
DFPCL received the Digital Technology Senate Award – 2021 organised by Indian Express Group.

IDC Future Enterprise Awards - 2021
DFPCL received the prestigious IDC Future Enterprise Awards, 2021 in Digital Transformation (DX) Best in Future of Customers and Consumers.

Rotary Environment Excellence Award - Gold
DFPCL’s Dahej unit has been declared winner of “Rotary Environment Excellence Award - Gold” - in large scale chemical sector for outstanding achievement in Environment Management

Rotary Safety Excellence Award - Gold
DFPCL’s Dahej unit has been declared winner of Rotary Safety Excellence Award - Gold Award - in large scale chemical sector for outstanding achievement in Safety & Health Management

Indian Achievers Award 2020
for Business Leadership won by Creaticity in recognition of notable achievement of championing home furniture retail during the pandemic time through the Home & Home+Conclave.

Chemicals & Petrochemicals Supply Chain Innovation Award
in the Logistics Category, organised by NASSCOM and Alden, co-sponsored by the Singapore Institute of Material Management & Council for Supply Chain Management.

Overall Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chain
Overall Excellence in Logistics and Supply Chain’ conducted by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).

Certificate of Appreciation’
received from National Safety Council of India (NSCI) during‘Safety Awards 2020 Competition’for Manufacturing Sector Group B (Manufacturing Chemicals & Chemicals Products, Manufacture of Pharmaceuticals, Medicinal Chemical and Botanical products) by our JNPT plot.

Innovative Lab to Farm Model Award
‘Innovative Lab to Farm Model Award’ for Smartek at the Flame Awards Asia, instituted by the Rural Marketing Association, recognising excellence in marketing, promotion and rural initiatives.

Best Formulation – Innovation Award
‘Best Formulation – Innovation Award’ for Smartek at the Agribusiness Summit and Agri Awards

Top Organisation with Innovative HR Practices
‘Top Organisation with Innovative HR Practices’ award from Asia Pacific HRM Congress
‘Best Employer Brand Award 2019’ from World HRD Congress

Best Employer Brand Award 2019
‘Best Employer Brand Award 2019’ from World HRD Congress

Platinum Award
‘Platinum Award’ from Green Maple Foundation for Best Safety Practices & Management, at its JNPT terminal

Certificate for Meritorious Performance in Industrial Safety
Certificate for Meritorious Performance in Industrial Safety” from National Safety Council -Maharashtra Chapter for Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT).

Certificate of Appreciation
‘Certificate of Appreciation’ from National Safety Council for JNPT for six consecutive years

Safest Workplace Award
‘Safest Workplace Award’ during the Safe-Tech Awards received by Smartchem Technologies Limited

Pune’s Best Employer Brand Award
DFPCL received the Best Employer Award by World HRD Congress in Pune region for its strategies and implementation across the organisation.

ICFA Award on Agribusiness Leadership
Mahadhan bags the award at the 11th Global Agriculture Leadership Summit 2018 and brings home the Agribusiness leadership and Technology innovation award for Smartek.

PRCI Corporate Collateral Awards
DFPCL was recently rewarded with two distinguished awards at the 8th PRCI Corporate Collateral Awards 2018. Public Relations Council of India (PRCI) is a national registered corporate body of public relations professionals, corporate communicators, advertising & media practitioners and academicians. We were recognised for our annual report and corporate advertising campaign.

DFPCL has been conferred with the Prestigious Special Jury Recommendation FICCI CSR Award 2017

Best Corporate Foundation Award
World CSR Day 2017
Ishanya Foundation

Sandvik India Diversity Award
Ishanya Foundation qualified to the final round of 24 finalists out of 169 applicants.

Award for Purposeful Marketing
DFPCL wins accolade for ‘Purposeful Marketing’ at the 6th Indira Brand Slam awards hosted on 25th September 2017 at Indira Group of Institutes, Pune. Brand slam awards is an annual award presented by CMO Asia and endorsed by World Federation of Marketing Professionals & World Sustainability. The objective of Brand Slam India is to discuss Innovations in branding that have led to greater market penetration and reach to the customer, recognize brands that have by sheer power of innovation reinvented themselves & Iconize Brand Leadership in multiple sectors.

Overall Winner & Best HR practices
Overall Winner & Best HR practices Category Winner by IFTDO (International Federation of Training and Development Organisations) – 2017. World HRD Congress in collaboration with Times Ascent honours DFPCL with two coveted awards – 2017 – DFPCL won award under two categories – Organisation with Best Employee Relations Practices and Organisation with Best Talent Management Practices

The Golden Globe Tigers Award
The Golden Globe Tigers Award for Excellence & Leadership in CSR is a benchmark to recognise and honour companies for embodying the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility in their business philosophy and operations. Mrs. Parul Mehta, Trustee – Ishanya Foundation.

Dr Reddy’s Business Partner Excellence Award
The award is presented for being a reliable raw material supplier to Dr Reddy’s.

Safety Award
Received Safety Award for Developing & Implementing Effective Management Systems & Procedures and achieving good performance in Occupational, Safety & Health.

Star Supply Partner
Given by UPL LIMITED. The award is for being a key supplier to UPL Ltd. supplying raw materials on time, on specs and consistently throughout the year.

Maharashtra Safety Awards
Received Maharashtra Safety Award for Longest Accident Free Period in Chemical and Fertiliser Industrial Group. The Award was given by National Safety Council – Maharashtra Chapter.

Maharashtra Safety Awards
Received Maharashtra Safety Awards for achieving Lowest Accident Frequency Rate in Chemical and Fertiliser Industrial Group.

State Level Award
Received State Level Award for Excellence in Energy Conservation & Management in Fertiliser sector from the Government of Maharashtra.

Gold Award for Best HR Practices
Received the ‘Gold Award for Best HR Practices’ from National Institute of Personnel Management.

Safety Award
Received Safety Award – 2014 from National Safety Council of India in recognition of appreciable achievement in Occupational Safety & Health during the assessment period 2011-13.

Greentech Gold Award
Received Greentech Gold Award – 2014 for the most outstanding achievement in Fire, Safety and Health for the K-1 unit at Taloja.

Greentech Silver Award
Received Greentech Silver Award – 2014 in Fertiliser sector for outstanding achievement in Environment Management.

Logistics & Supply Chain Leadership Awards
Received the Excellence in Manufacturing Supply Chain in Chemical Division at the 8th Express, Logistics & Supply Chain Leadership Awards.

CPO India Awards
Received the CPO India Awards 2014 for ‘Outstanding Procurement Team’ and Runner-up Award for 1st Choice Vendor/Supplier Development Programme.

ICC Lifetime Achievement Award
The Indian Chemical Council (ICC) has conferred the ‘ICC Lifetime Achievement Award for the year 2013’ on Mr. C. K. Mehta, Chairman Emeritus, in recognition of his exceptional contributions towards industrial development and societal upliftment.

Jubilant Lifesciences Recognition
Jubilant felicitates its key associates who are reliable, consistent in supply and are dependable.

Best Achiever Award by Sterlite in Vendor Meet
The award is presented for on time supply of quality products.

Felicitated by the Revenue Department
Felicitated by the Revenue Department of Central Government for consistent growth in Excise and Service Tax payments for past 3 years.

Fortune India 500
DFPCL was ranked amongst the Top 500 Companies according to Fortune (India). The companies listed on the FI500 are ranked The Companies listed on the FI500 are ranked by their latest annual audited total income, for the Financial Year ending on or before June 30, 2011.

Dun & Bradstreet Rating 1
DFPCL registered ‘D & B Rating 1’ as of 20 July, 2011 by Dun & Bradstreet. The risk indicator ‘1’ depicts that our business has highest level creditworthiness.

Dun & Bradstreet Award
DFPCL was ranked amongst the Top 500 Companies according to Fortune (India). The companies listed on the FI500 are ranked The Companies listed on the FI500 are ranked by their latest annual audited total income, for the Financial Year ending on or before June 30, 2011.

Dun & Bradstreet Rating 1
DFPCL registered ‘D & B Rating 1’ as of 20 July, 2011 by Dun & Bradstreet. The risk indicator ‘1’ depicts that our business has highest level creditworthiness.

Dun & Bradstreet Award
DFPCL was ranked amongst the Top 500 Companies according to Fortune (India). The companies listed on the FI500 are ranked The Companies listed on the FI500 are ranked by their latest annual audited total income, for the Financial Year ending on or before June 30, 2011.

ICC Award: Excellence in Energy Conservation and Management Award
DFPCL is awarded the Indian Chemical Council (ICC) award for Excellence in Energy Conservation and Management for the year 2010. DFPCL has bagged this laudable achievement through its demonstration of continued assurance to environmentally responsible global business practices.

Forbes Asia’s Best Under a Billion 2010-11
DFPCL awarded for ‘Excellence in Fertiliser Extension Services’ for the second consecutive year by FAI for Year 2010 – 2011. DFPCL features in the prestigious Forbes Asia’s Best Under a Billion List. It is the only company in the agricultural and chemicals sector from India to have made it to this list.