Investor FAQ’s
All correspondence in respect to equity shares held by investors in the Company should be mailed to the following address:
Mr. Gaurav Umakant Munoli
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Deepak Fertilisers and Petrochemicals Corporation Limited
Sai Hira, Survey No. 93,
Mundhwa, Pune 411 036, Maharashtra, India.
Phone: +91 - 20 – 6645 8094
E-mail: investorgrievance@dfpcl.com
All correspondence in respect to equity shares held by investors in the Company should be mailed to the following address:
KFin Technologies Limited
Selenium Building, Tower-B, Plot No 31 & 32,
Financial District, Nanakramguda,
Serilingampally, Hyderabad,
Rangareddy, Telangana, India - 500 032.
WhatsApp Number. (91) 910 009 4099
email: einward.ris@kfintech.com
Toll Free no.1800 309 4001
KPRISM (Mobile Application): https://kprism.kfintech.com
KFINTECH Corporate Website: https://www.kfintech.com
RTA Website: https://ris.kfintech.com
Investor Support Centre (DIY Link): https://ris.kfintech.com/clientservices/isc
Pursuant to the SEBI Notifications, it has been mandated that w.e.f. 1st April, 2019 all transfer of securities would be carried out in dematerialized form only. Accordingly, to the aforesaid notifications, request for effecting transfer of securities shall not be processed unless the securities are held in the Dematerialized form. Therefore, Registrars and Transfer Agent and Company will not accept any request for transfer of shares in physical form with effect 1st April, 2019. This restriction is not applicable to the request received for transmission or transposition of physical shares
For the queries regarding the procedure of dematerialisation of shares to may contact the share transfer agent of the Company.
There is no restriction on holding shares in physical form. However, the transfer/trading of shares after 31st March, 2019 would be done in electronic mode.
Shareholders can write to the Company's Share Transfer Agent furnishing the particulars of the dividend not received and quoting the folio number/client ID particulars (in case of dematerialised shares). The Share Transfer Agent shall check the records and issue demand draft in lieu of unclaimed/ lost dividend warrant.
No, since the dividend warrants are payable at par at several centers across the country, banks do not accept 'stop payment' instructions. Hence, in case of loss or non-receipt of dividend warrant, shareholders have to wait till the expiry of the validity of the original warrant.
Shareholders who have not encashed their dividend warrant within the validity period can send their request of revalidation to the Company's RTA enclosing the said dividend warrant. The Company's RTA will, after due verification of the records, issue Demand Draft in lieu thereof.
Yes, As per the Companies Act, 2013, dividends that are unclaimed for a period of seven years, statutorily get transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) administered by the Central Government and thereafter can be claimed by investors. To ensure maximum disbursement of unclaimed dividend, the Company sends reminders to the concerned investors, before transfer of dividend to IEPF.
Pursuant to Section 124 read with Rule 7 of the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016, a shareholder may claim the shares and unclaimed dividend so transferred to the IEPF Authority by making an application in form IEPF 5. The said form is available on the website www.iepf.gov.in.
For physical holdings, please send a letter, duly signed by the first holder, stating the new address and folio numbers of the shares to the share transfer agent of the Company.
In the case of dematerialized holdings, please write to your Depository Participant (DP) intimating them of the change and ask for a confirmation that their records reflect the new address.
Nomination refers to the act of nominating a person in whom the shares would vest in the event of unfortunate death of the nominator (i.e. shareholder). This facility is mainly useful for individuals holding shares in sole name. In the case of joint holding of shares by individuals, nomination will be effective only in the event of death of all joint holders.
The procedure for making nomination with regard to shareholding in physical form is as follows:
- The shareholder is required to submit the Nomination Form (SH-13) in duplicate, duly filled and signed by all the shareholders. Specimen of the Nomination Form is available on the website of the Company.
- On receipt of the request for registration of nomination, the Company / its Share Transfer Agent will register the same by allotting a registration number.
- The duplicate copy of the nomination form will be returned to the shareholder(s) indicating the registration number and the date of registration of nomination.
- In case of dematerialised shares, your nomination has to be recorded with your Depository Participant
Yes. A nomination once made can be revoked by making a fresh nomination. In case joint shareholders have made a nomination, and one of them expires, the surviving shareholder(s) can make a fresh nomination.
Individual shareholders holding shares in single name or joint names can appoint a nominee. In case of joint holding, joint holders together have to appoint the nominee. A minor can also be appointed as a nominee.
Joint holders are not nominees; they are joint holders of the relevant shares having joint rights on the same. In the event of death of any one of the joint holders, the surviving joint holder(s) of the shares is/ are the only person(s) recognised under law as holder(s) of the shares. Surviving joint holder(s) may appoint a nominee.
A nomination form must be witnessed.
The process of converting securities (i.e. shares, bonds etc.) held in physical form into electronic form is known as dematerialization. Under this process, securities held by an investor in physical form are converted to an equal number of securities in electronic form and credited into the investor's demat account maintained by him with his Depository Participant (DP). It is similar to a bank account, where entry is made in Statement of Account of the number of shares held in a demat account.
The following are the benefits for availing of depository services:
- A safe, convenient way to hold securities; especially if you are holding shares of many companies
- Immediate transfer of securities
- No stamp duty on transfer of securities
- Elimination of risks associated with physical certificates such as bad delivery, fake securities, Delays in transit, thefts etc.
- Ease in pledging the shares
- Reduction in paperwork involved in transfer of securities;
- Reduction in transaction cost
- No odd lot problem, even one share can be sold;
- Change in address recorded with DP gets registered with all companies in one go in which the investor holds securities electronically thereby eliminating the need to correspond with each of them separately
- Easy Nomination facility and
- Faster disbursement of non-cash corporate benefits like rights, bonus, etc.
Shares held in dematerialized form can be pledged as security for the purpose of availing loan/credit facility from a bank or as collateral for availing finance from other financial institutions, subject to complying with the terms and conditions prescribed by the DP.
The charges for demat have to be borne by the shareholder. The charges differ from DP to DP and you may choose your DP for the same.
It is the process through which shares held in demat form are converted into physical form by issuance of share certificate(s). If you are holding shares in electronic form, you still have the option to convert your holding in physical form by submitting a Rematerialization Request Form (RRF) through your DP in the same manner as Dematerialization. Upon receipt of such request from your DP, the Company/Registrars will issue share certificate(s) for the number of share(s) so rematerialized.